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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Never Let Me Go | Florence And The Machine

Never Let Me Go - Florence And The Machine | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Looking up from underneath
Mendongak dari bawah sini

Fractured moonlight on the sea
Cahaya bulan yang retak di atas laut

Reflections still look the same to me
Bayangan masih terlihat sama bagiku

As before I went under
Seperti sebelum saya tenggelam

And it's peaceful in the deep
Dan tenang rasanya di kedalaman

Cathedral where you can not breathe
Katedral dimana kau tak mampu bernafas

No need to pray, no need to speak
Tak usah berdoa, tak usah bicara

Now I am under
Kini saya tenggelam

Oh, and it's breaking over me
Oh, dan hancur di atas

A thousand miles down to the sea bed
Ribuan mil di dasar laut

I found the place to rest my head
Kutemukan daerah tuk sandarkan kepalaku

Never let me go, never let me go
Jangan pernah lepaskan aku, jangan pernah lepaskan aku

Never let me go, never let me go
Jangan pernah lepaskan aku, jangan pernah lepaskan aku

And the arms of the ocean are carrying me
Dan lengan-lengan samudera mengangkatku

And all this devotion was rushing out of me
Dan semua kepatuhan ini berlompatan keluar dariku

And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me
Dan kehancuran yaitu surga untuk pendosa sepertiku

But the arms of the ocean deliver me
Tapi lengan-lengan samudera menyelamatkanku

Though the pressure's hard to take,
Meski tekanannya berat

It's the only way I can escape
Hanya itulah caranya saya mampu lolos

It seems a heavy choice to make
Tampaknya pilihan berat

Now I am under
Kinia saya tenggelam

Back to III, IV, V

And it's over
Dan usai sudah

And I'm goin' under,
Dan saya kan tenggelam

But I'm not givin' up!
Tapi saya takkan menyerah

I'm just givin' in
Aku hanya pasrah

Slipping underneath
Tergelincir jatuh

So cold, but so sweet
Begitu dingin, tapi begitu indah

Back to V, IV

Delivered me

Back to IV

Delivered me

Back to IV (2x)
Back to VII, VIII


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