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Showing posts with label Robert Pattinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Pattinson. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Let Me Sign | Robert Pattinson

Let Me Sign - Robert Pattinson | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Standing there by a broken tree
Berdiri di situ di erat pohon yang sempal

Her hands are all twisted, she was pointing at me
Tangannya menggeliat, beliau menunjuk padaku

I was damned by the light, coming out of her eyes
Aku terkutuk oleh cahaya, yang keluar dari matanya

She spoke with a voice that disrupted the sky
Dia bicara dengan bunyi yang mengguncang langit

She said walk on over here to the bitter shade
Dia bilang kemarilah ke naungan getir

I will wrap you in my arms
Aku kan mendekapmu

And you'll know that you're saved
Dan kau kan tahu bahwa kau selamat

Let me sign
Biarlah kuberi isyarat

Let me sign
Biarlah kuberi isyarat

I was out for a drink in a soho bar
Aku keluar untuk minum di kafetaria soho

The air was smoked out liked a cheap cigar
Udara berasap menyerupai rokok murahan

She rose out of her seat like a painted ghost
Dia bangun dari kursinya menyerupai hantu lukisan

She was the woman that I wanted the most
Dialah perempuan yang paling kuinginkan

As she reached for my arm I gave her my hand
Saat beliau menggapai tanganku, kuberikan tanganku

I said 'Lay me down easy let me understand'
Kubilang 'beritahu saya kabar buruknya, semoga saya mengerti'

Let me sign
Biarlah kuberi isyarat

Let sign
Biarlah kuberi isyarat

Can't fight the devil so just let me sign
Tak mampu kulawan iblis, maka biarlah kuberi isyarat

As I walked through the door she was still in my head
Saat kulewati pintu itu, beliau masih di benakku

As I entered the room she was laid there in bed
Saat beliau masuk kamar, beliau berbaring di ranjang

She reached out for me all twisted in black
Dia merentangkan tangan menyambutku, berbalut hitam

I was on my way down, never coming back
Aku dalam perjalanan, tak pernah kembali

Let me sign, let me sign,
Biarlah kuberi isyarat, biarlah kuberi isyarat

Can't fight the devil so just let me sign
Tak mampu kulawan iblis, maka biarlah kuberi isyarat

Let me sign, let me sign,
Biarlah kuberi isyarat, biarlah kuberi isyarat

Can't fight the devil so just let me sign
Tak mampu kulawan iblis, maka biarlah kuberi isyarat