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Showing posts with label David Nail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Nail. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Whatever She's Got | David Nail

Whatever She's Got - David Nail | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

She's a little complicated
Dia memang agak sulit dipahami

She'll make her mind up just to change it
Dia akan memutuskan lalu berubah pikiran

The kind of girl that keeps you waitin', waitin' around
Tipe gadis yang membuatmu terus menunggu

She likes to get her toes done bright red
Dia suka mewarnai jari-jari kakinya merah menyala

She's always reapplying her lipstick
Dia selalu mengolesi lagi gincunya

The muddy river bank she's the first in and last out
Tepi sungai berlumpur, beliau pertama masuk dan terakhir keluar

She's got something I can't figure out
Dia punya sesuatu yang tak kumengerti

That everybody's talking about
Yang dibicarakan semua orang

She's got the blue jeans painted on tight
Dia kenakan celana jins terlukis ketat

That everybody wants on a Saturday night
Yang diinginkan semua orang di malam Minggu

She got the mood ring, she's never the same
Suasana hatinya gampang berubah, beliau tak pernah sama

She's sunny one minute then she's pouring down rain
Semenit beliau cerah lalu beliau guyurkan hujan

And she'll do whatever she wants
Dan beliau kan lakukan apa saja yang beliau mau

And when she moves every jaw's gonna drop
Dan ketika beliau bergoyang, semua orang melongo

And I do but I don't want her to stop
Aku juga tapi saya tak ingin beliau berhenti

I want, I want I want whatever she's got
Aku ingin, saya ingin apapun yang beliau punya

I want whatever she's got
Aku ingin apapun yang beliau punya

Tell your mind before you thought it
Katakan pada pikiranmu sebelum kau memikirkanya

What you thought your plan was park it
Apa yang kau pikir rencanamu, abaikanlah

To figure out where your heart is so twisted up
Tuk temukan dimana hatimu begitu kacau

Have you spendin' every weekend
Pernahkah kau habiskan tamat pekan

And every penny you've been keepin'
Dan semua uang yang tlah kau simpan

Just to figure out what she's thinkin'
Hanya untuk mencari tahu apa yang beliau pikirkan

when you're thinkin' it's love
Saat kau pikir itu cinta


Back to II

She's got me hangin' on the edge
Dia menggantungkanku

On the edge of a kiss
Di tepi sebuah kecupan

All I ever wanna do is this
Yang ingin kulakukan hanyalah ini

She's got the blue jeans painted on tight
Dia kenakan celana jins terlukis ketat

That everybody wants on a Saturday night
Yang diinginkan semua orang di malam Minggu

She got the mood ring, she's never the same
Suasana hatinya gampang berubah, beliau tak pernah sama

I want, I want, I want, I want, I want
Kuinginkan, kuinginkan, kuinginkan, kuinginkan

Back to II

She's a little bit complicated
Dia memang agak sulit dimengerti

That's alright
Tak mengapa

Doesn't matter I'll keep on waiting
Tak masalah, saya kan terus menunggu

For whatever she's got
Demi apapun yang beliau punya

For whatever she's got
Demi apapun yang beliau punya