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Showing posts with label Dixie Chicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dixie Chicks. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

You Were Mine | Avril Lavigne

You Were Mine - Avril Lavigne, Dixie Chicks | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

I can't find a reason to let go
Tak mampu kutemukan alasan tuk ikhlaskan

Even though you've found a new love
Meski kau tlah temukan cinta yang baru

And she's what your dreams are made of
Dan dialah yang menghiasi mimpi-mimpimu

I can find a reason to hang on
Bisa kutemukan alasan tuk bertahan

What went wrong can be forgiven
Yang salah mampu dimaafkan

Without you it ain't worth livin' alone
Tanpamu, hidup tak layak dijalani sendiri

Sometimes I wake up crying at night
Kadang saya terbangun sambil menangis di malam hari

And sometimes I scream out your name
Dan kadang kuteriakkan namamu

What right does she have to take you away
Apa haknya membawamu pergi

When for so long you were mine
Saat sekian lama kau tlah jadi milikku

I took out all the pictures
Kuturunkan semua foto

Of our wedding day
Foto hari penikahan kita

It was a time of love and laughter
Itulah waktunya cinta dan tawa

Happy ever after
Bahagia selama-lamanya

But even those old pictures
Tapi bahkan foto-foto lama itu pun

Have begun to fade
Tlah mulai memudar

Please tell me she's not real
Katakanlah padaku gadis itu tak nyata

And that you're really coming home to stay
Dan katakanlah kau benar-benar kan pulang

Sometimes I wake up crying at night
Kadang saya terbangun sambil menangis di malam hari

And sometimes I scream out your name
Dan kadang kuteriakkan namamu

What right does she have to take your heart away
Apa haknya membawa hatimu pergi

When for so long you were mine
Saat sekian lama kau tlah jadi milikku

I can give you two good reasons
Aku mampu memberimu dua alasan

To show you love's not blind
Tuk tunjukkan padamu bahwa cinta tak buta

He's two and she's four
Anak lelaki kita sudah dua tahun dan anak perempuan kita empat tahun

And you know they adore you
Dan kau tahu mereka memujamu

So how can I tell them
Jadi bagaimana mungkin mampu kukatakan pada mereka

You've changed your mind
Bahwa kau tlah berubah pikiran

Back to VI

I remember when you were mine
Masih kuingat ketika kau milikku