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Showing posts with label From First To Last. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From First To Last. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Secrets Don't Make Friends | From First To Last

Secrets Don't Make Friends - From First To Last | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

This place is a bloodbath
Tempat ini sebuah pembantaian

And we won't be taken alive
Dan kita takkan diterima hidup-hidup

We stand alone
Kita bangkit sendiri

Under fictitious skies
Di bawah langit yang fiktif

You were always my enemy carefully crafting my demise
Kau selalu jadi musuhku yang berhati-hati merajut kematianku

You were always my enemy carefully crafting my demise
Kau selalu jadi musuhku yang berhati-hati merajut kematianku

Our hearts beat strong under fictitious skies
Jantung kita berdegup berpengaruh di bawah langit yang fiktif

You were always my enemy, you suck the life out of me
Kau selalu jadi musuhku, kau hisap kehidupan dariku

Your words are deadly weapons
Kata-katamu yaitu senjata mematikan

Killing me, destroying me
Membunuhku, menghancurkanku

Your words are deadly weapons
Kata-katamu yaitu senjata mematikan

Scatter my brains across the wall
Menceraiberaikan otakku di dinding

You were my compass
Kau yaitu kompasku

Leading me to nowhere fast
Yang menuntuku entah ke mana dengan cepat

Promises were lonely roads
Janji-janji yaitu jalanan sunyi

I followed you down like a map
Aku mengikutimu ibarat peta

(Like a map, like a map)
(Seperti peta, ibarat peta)

Back to II, III

Fuck you
Persetan denganmu

Secrets don't make friends
Rahasia takkan menambah teman

Secrets don't make friends
Rahasia takkan menambah teman
Secrets don't make friends
Rahasia takkan menambah teman
Secrets don't make...
Rahasia takkan menambah...

Your words are deadly weapons
Kata-katamu yaitu senjata mematikan

Killing me, destroying me
Membunuhku, menghancurkanku

Back to III

Your words are deadly weapons
Kata-katamu yaitu senjata mematikan

(Secrets don't make friends)
Rahasia takkan menambah teman)
Killing me, destroying me
Membunuhku, menghancurkanku

Your words are deadly weapons
Kata-katamu yaitu senjata mematikan

(Secrets don't make friends)
Rahasia takkan menambah teman)
Scatter my brains across the wall
Menceraiberaikan otakku di dinding)

Secrets don't
Rahasia takkan

(Secrets don't make friends)
Rahasia takkan menambah teman)
Make friends
Menambah teman

(Secrets don't make friends)
Rahasia takkan menambah teman)