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Showing posts with label Harry Styles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harry Styles. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Don't Let Me Go | Harry Styles

Don't Let Me Go - Harry Styles | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Now you were standing there right in front of me
Kini kau bangkit di situ, sempurna di depanku

I hold on it's getting harder to breath
Kubertahan, semakin sulit tuk bernafas

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me
Tiba-tiba saja lampu-lampu ini membutakanku

I never noticed how bright they would be
Dulu tak pernah kuperhatikan betapa terperinci lampu-lampu itu kan bersinar

I saw in the corner there is a photograph
Kulihat di pojokan, ada sebuah foto

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you
Tak diragukan lagi, itu fotomu

It lies there alone on its bed of broken glass
Tergeletak di situ sendiri di atas bantalan kacanya yang pecah

This bed was never made for two
Ranjang ini tak pernah tercipta untuk dua orang

I'll keep my eyes wide open
Kan kubuka mataku lebar-lebar

I'll keep my arms wide open
Kan kubuka lenganku lebar-lebar

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of being alone
Karena saya lelah sendirian

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone
Karena saya lelah merasa sepi

I promised one day I'd bring you back a star
Dulu kuberjanji kelak kan membawakanmu sebuah bintang

I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand oh
Kutangkap satu bintang dan bintang itu memperabukan tanganku sampai berlubang

Seems like these days I watch you from afar
Rasanya ibarat hari-hari ini, kulihat kau dari kejauhan

Just trying to make you understand
Berusaha membuatmu mengerti

I'll keep my eyes wide open yeah
Kan kubuka mataku lebar-lebar yeah

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone
Karena saya lelah merasa sendiri

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone
Karena saya lelah merasa sendiri

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone
Karena saya lelah merasa sendiri

Don't let me
Jangan biarkan aku

Don't let me go
Jangan biarkan saya pergi

'Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone
Karena saya lelah tidur sendiri

Monday, October 2, 2017

Sign Of Times | Harry Styles

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Sign Of The Times - Harry Styles

Just stop your crying
Hentikanlah tangismu

It's a sign of the times
Ini sebuah menandakan waktu

Welcome to the final show
Selamat datang di pertunjukan terakhir

Hope you're wearing your best clothes
Semoga kau kenakan baju terbaikmu

You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
Kau tak mampu menyuap pintu di perjalananmu ke langit

You look pretty good down here
Kau terlihat lumayan cantik di bawah sini

But you ain't really good
Tapi kau tak benar-benar cantik

We never learn, we've been here before
Kita tak pernah sadari, kita pernah ke sini sebelumnya

Why are we always stuck and running from
Mengapa kita selalu terhenti dan berlari dari

The bullets, the bullets?
Peluru, peluru?

We never learn, we've been here before
Kita tak pernah sadari, kita pernah ke sini sebelumnya

Why are we always stuck and running from
Mengapa kita selalu terhenti dan berlari dari

Your bullets, the bullets?
Pelurumu, peluru?

Just stop your crying
Hentikanlah tangismu

It's a sign of the times
Ini sebuah menandakan waktu

We gotta get away from here
Kita harus pergi dari sini

We gotta get away from here
Kita harus pergi dari sini

Just stop your crying
Hentikanlah tangismu

It'll be alright
Semua kan baik-baik saja

They told me that the end is near
Mereka bilang final zaman sudah dekat

We gotta get away from here
Kita harus pergi dari sini

Just stop your crying
Hentikanlah tangismu

Have the time of your life
Nikmatilah sisa hidupmu

Breaking through the atmosphere
Menerobos atmosfir

And things are pretty good from here
Dan segalanya lumayan bagus dari sini

Remember, everything will be alright
Ingatlah, semua kan baik-baik saja

We can meet again somewhere
Kita mampu berjumpa lagi di suatu tempat

Somewhere far away from here
Di suatu daerah jauh dari sini

Back to III, IV, III

We don't talk enough
Kita tak cukup saling bicara

We should open up
Kita harus terbuka

Before it's all too much
Sebelum semuanya mustahil

Will we ever learn?
Akankah kita belajar?

We've been here before
Kita pernah ke sini sebelumnya

It's just what we know
Hanya ini yang kita tahu

Stop your crying, baby
Hentikanlah tangismu, kasih

It's a sign of the times
Ini sebuah menandakan waktu

We gotta get away
Kita harus pergi

We got to get away
Kita harus pergi

We got to get away
Kita harus pergi

We got to get away
Kita harus pergi

We got to get away
Kita harus pergi

We got to—we got to—away
Kita harus pergi

We got to—we got to—away
Kita harus pergi

We got to—we got to—away
Kita harus pergi