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Monday, July 2, 2018

Wherever You Are | 5 Seconds Of Summer

Wherever You Are - 5 Seconds Of Summer | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

For a while we pretended
Untuk sekejap, kita berpura-pura

That we never had to end it
Bahwa kita tak perlu mengakhirinya

But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
Tapi kita tahu bahwa kita harus ucapkan selamat tinggal

You were crying at the airport
Kau menangis di bandara

When they finally closed the plane door
Saat risikonya mereka menutup pintu pesawat

I could barely hold it all inside
Aku hampir tak mampu menahan perasaanku

Torn in two
Hancur luluh

And I know I shouldn't tell you
Dan saya tahu harusnya tak kukatakan padamu

But I just can't stop thinking of you
Tapi saya tak mampu berhenti memikirkanmu

Wherever you are
Dimanapun kau berada


Wherever you are
Dimanapun kau berada

Everynight I almost call you
Setiap malam saya hampir menghubungimu

Just to say it always will be you
Hanya untuk katakan kan selalu dirimu

Wherever You are
Dimana pun kau berada

I could fly a thousand oceans
Bisa kulintasi ribuan samudera

But there's nothing that compares to
Tapi tak ada yang sebanding dengan

What we had and so I walk alone
Apa yang kita miliki maka kuberjalan sendiri

I wish I didn't have to be gone
Andai saya tak harus pergi

Maybe you've already moved on
Mungkin kau sudah mampu lanjutkan hidup

But the truth is I don't want to know
Tapi kenyataannya, saya tak mau tahu

Back to II

You can say we'll be together
Kau boleh katakan kita kan bersama


Nothing lasts forever
Tak ada yang abadi

Nothing stays the same
Tak ada yang terus sama

So why can't I stop feeling this way
Jadi mengapa saya tak mampu hentikan rasa ini

Back to II


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