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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Welcome To My Paradise | Steven And Coconut Treez

Welcome To My Paradise - Steven And Coconut Treez | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Come and take a look out through my eyes
Kemari dan lihatlah lewat mataku

And you decide why people act this way
Dan kau putuskan mengapa orang-orang bertingkah begini

People thieving, fighting, telling lies
Mereka mencuri, berkelahi, berdusta

They criticize and hate each other
Mereka mengkritik dan saling benci

Nature colors all have changes some how
Warna-warni alam entah bagaimana tlah berubah

The seas are brown the skies are thick and grey
Lautan ini berwarna coklat dan langit pekat dan kelabu

All of these things make me feel so down
Semua ini membuatku amat sedih

And think about finding my own place
Dan berpikir tuk temukan tempatku sendiri

A place where we can toast and drink
Tempat dimana kita mampu bersulang dan minum

A place where we can share and some weed
Tempat dimana kita mampu mengembangkan dan menyiangi alang-alang

A place where there's no bullshit and...
Tempat dimana tak ada omong kosong dan...

Every body can come
Semua boleh datang

Welcome to my paradise
Selamat datang di surgaku

Where this sky so blue
Dimana langit begitu biru

Where the sunshine so bright
Dimana sinar mentari begitu cerah

Welcome to my paradise
Selamat datang di surgaku

Where you can be free
Dimana kau mampu bebas

Where the party never ending
Dimana pesta tak berkesudahan


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