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Showing posts with label Nico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nico. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Am I Wrong | Nico

Am I Wrong - Nico | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Am I wrong
Apakah kusalah

For thinking out the box from where I stay?
Jika caraku berpikir beda dari lingkungan sekitarku?

Am I wrong
Apakah kusalah

For saying that I'll choose another way?
Jika kubilang kan kupilih cara lain?

I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
Aku tak mau lakukan yang semua orang lakukan

Just cause everybody doing what they all do
Hanya sebab semua orang lakukan itu semua

If one thing I know, how far would I grow?
Jika ada satu hal kutahu, seberapa jauh saya kan tumbuh?

I'm walking down this road of mine
Kan kususuri jalanku ini

This road that I call home
Jalan yang kusebut rumah ini

So am I wrong
Jadi, apakah kusalah

For thinking that we could be something for real?
Jika berpikir kita mampu benar-benar jadi sesuatu?

Now am I wrong
Kini apakah kusalah

For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
Jika berusaha menggapai hal-hal yang tak mampu kulihat?

But that's just how I feel
Tapi begitulah perasaanku

That's just how I feel
Begitulah perasaanku

That's just how I feel
Begitulah perasaanku

Trying to reach the things that I can't see
Berusaha menggapai hal-hal yang tak mampu kulihat

Am I tripping for having ambition?
Apakah kusalah kalau punya ambisi?

My prediction; I'mma be on the top of the world
Prediksiku; saya kan berada di puncak dunia

Hope you, hope you don't look back
Kuharap, kuharap kau tak menoleh

Always do what you decide
Selalu lakukan yang kau putuskan

Don't let them control your life
Jangan biarkan mereka mengendalikan hidupmu

That's just how I feel
Begitulah perasaanku

Fight for yours and don't let go
Perjuangkanlah hidupmu dan jangan menyerah

Don't let them compare you, no
Jangan biarkan mereka membandingkanmu

Don't worry, you're not alone,
Jangan kuatir, kau tak sendiri,

That's just how we feel
Begitulah perasaan kita

Back to II

If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
Jika kau bilang saya salah, salah

I don't wanna be right, right
Aku tak ingin benar, benar

If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
Jika kau bilang saya salah, salah

I don't wanna be right
Aku tak mau benar, benar

Back to II (2x)